Week 16
Starter Class (handout)
In starter class we talked about what you do in your free time.
Here are some examples:
1. I play video games every day
2. I go shopping at Naha Main place.
3. I go drinking with my friends.
4. I go to Karaoke for three or four hours.
The most important thing to remember is, after go, "to"を入れるか入れないか:
go shopping
go drinking
go jogging
go to Jusco
go to Main Place
go to the park
Beginner Class (handout)
In beginner class we talked about how to get to know someone better.
If someone asks "Do you like Karaoke?" you can say:
1. I love Karaoke (大好き)
2. I like Karaoke (好き)
3. I'm not interested in Karaoke (あまり興味がない)
4. I don't really like Karaoke (あまり好きじゃない)
5. I don't like Karaoke (嫌い)
6. I hate Karaoke. (大嫌い)
7. I'm not good at singing (歌うの苦手)
Also, we talked about having something in common (共通点)
I like UK Rock
Really, I like UK Rock too!
That's cool, we have something in common!
Do you have a lot in common with your husband/wife or girlfriend/boyfriend?
Intermediate Class (handout)
In intermediate class we talked about music.
With music, there are many words we can use to describe music.
cheesy (ださい)
mellow (爽やか)
intense (うるさい、激しい)
dark / depressing (暗い)
upbeat (明るい)
Also, because everyone has different tastes when it comes to music, we should sometimes use these two phrases:
To each his own (みんなの趣味はそれぞれ違うので、しょうがない)
It's not my cup of tea (私と合わない、趣味じゃない)
We also talked about how the music world changes so quickly.
When you talk about rapid changes in the world, you can use the words nowadays and in this day and age.
In this day and age, everyone has a computer.
In this day and age, women don't cook so much.
Nowadays, people buy music online.
Nowadays, people listen to music on their MP3 players.
In starter class we talked about what you do in your free time.
Here are some examples:
1. I play video games every day
2. I go shopping at Naha Main place.
3. I go drinking with my friends.
4. I go to Karaoke for three or four hours.
The most important thing to remember is, after go, "to"を入れるか入れないか:
go shopping
go drinking
go jogging
go to Jusco
go to Main Place
go to the park
Beginner Class (handout)
In beginner class we talked about how to get to know someone better.
If someone asks "Do you like Karaoke?" you can say:
1. I love Karaoke (大好き)
2. I like Karaoke (好き)
3. I'm not interested in Karaoke (あまり興味がない)
4. I don't really like Karaoke (あまり好きじゃない)
5. I don't like Karaoke (嫌い)
6. I hate Karaoke. (大嫌い)
7. I'm not good at singing (歌うの苦手)
Also, we talked about having something in common (共通点)
I like UK Rock
Really, I like UK Rock too!
That's cool, we have something in common!
Do you have a lot in common with your husband/wife or girlfriend/boyfriend?
Intermediate Class (handout)
In intermediate class we talked about music.
With music, there are many words we can use to describe music.
cheesy (ださい)
mellow (爽やか)
intense (うるさい、激しい)
dark / depressing (暗い)
upbeat (明るい)
Also, because everyone has different tastes when it comes to music, we should sometimes use these two phrases:
To each his own (みんなの趣味はそれぞれ違うので、しょうがない)
It's not my cup of tea (私と合わない、趣味じゃない)
We also talked about how the music world changes so quickly.
When you talk about rapid changes in the world, you can use the words nowadays and in this day and age.
In this day and age, everyone has a computer.
In this day and age, women don't cook so much.
Nowadays, people buy music online.
Nowadays, people listen to music on their MP3 players.
Posted by English Garden at 12:03│Comments(0)