Week 21


Hi everyone!

I've been feeling a little sick recently. So I've been getting lots of rest at home.

Today, I will introduce a new phrase: I'm out of shape (運動不足)
.We say this when we haven't exercised for a long time.

For example, if I come to class, and I look tired from running up the stairs, you can say

"Terry, you're really out of shape"

Or if you go walking with a friend, and you get tired easily, you can say:

"Wow, I'm really out of shape"

The opposite of out of shape, is "I'm in shape".

So if your friend can run 10km, you can say:
"Wow, you're really in shape"

Or, if you need to exercise more, you can say:
"I want to get in shape"

By the way, many people have asked me why you need an iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad for my new application Real英会話. The reason is because it's very easy to use on a touch screen, than with a mouse and cursor.

If you want to use my application in the cheapest way, I recommend an iPod Touch.
You can buy them at any electronics store such as Best Denki and Deo Deo.
It costs about ¥20,000. You don't have to pay anything else. It's like a portable music player.

If you are a Softbank customer you can think about switching to an iPhone. But the new iPhone will come out in a few months so you may want to wait until it become cheaper.

Also, the application works on an iPad. They are a little expensive and they are hard to get. They cost about ¥48,000 for the cheapest model. If you want one you have to either go to the Apple store in Best Denki Shintoshin, or you have to order one from the apple store online. But the iPad is a very useful device and I don't think anybody will regret buying one.

Posted by English Garden at 23:09│Comments(0)