Week 14
Starter Class (handout)
In starter class we talked about work again. The important question we learned was
What do you do?(仕事は何をしてるんですか?)
What do you do?
I work at DFS(DFSで働いてます)
What do you do?
I'm a cram school teacher.(塾の先生です)
What do you do?
I'm retired.(もう退職した)
Do you like your job?
It's interesting.(思い白い)
It's fun.(楽しい)
It's boring.(退屈)
It's stressful.(ストレスになる)
It's tough.(キツい)
I have overtime. (残業あります)
I have two days off a week (週に二回休みの日がある)
Today is my day off.(今日は休みの日)
Beginner Class (handout)
In beginner class this week we talked about family and relatives. We had many good vocabulary for talking about family and relatives.
get along (気が合う、仲がいい)
1. I get along with my father. (① get along with ②)
2. My father and I get along. (① and ② get along)
argue (口喧嘩)
1. I argue with my father all the time.
2. My father and I argue all the time.
1. I'm similar to my father
2. My father and I are similar.
We also talked about blood types. In Japan blood types many people talk about blood types. I heard some of the following:
People say:
- O and A get along
- O and B get along
- O and AB don't get along.
- B and AB don't get along
- B and A don't get along
- B and B don't get along
Some people wanted to say 血液型に気にしない.
In English, we can say;
I don't really care about blood types.
I think blood types don't really matter.
Intermediate Class (handout)
In intermediate class we talked about one of my most favorite topics, love and relationships.
First, some grammar. With many -ed adjectives, such as married, divorced, engaged, and other useful ones like used to (慣れてる), tired of (飽きた), fed up with (飽きれた), we use two different verbs, be and get.
Instead of talking about the difference, let's look at different examples for married:
1. I'm married
2. I was married.
3. I've been married for 30 years.
4. Being married is like living in a prison (joke!!)
1. I got married 30 years ago.
2. You should get married
3. I want to get married
4. After getting married
5. Before getting married
be married is a state (状態)
get married is an action.
We also had some very interesting phrases that relate to love:
I asked her out.
We're going out.
We went out for one and a half years before getting married
Was it love at first sight?
She's the one.
I'm having second thoughts.
But the best phrase, which is very useful in my class because I like to ask personal questions:
Let's leave it at that.
For example, if I start asking personal questions and you feel uncomfortable:
Me: You asked your husband out first?
You: Yes, that's right. Let's just leave it at that.
Posted by English Garden at 14:08│Comments(0)