Happy New Year!


It’s 2010!

Handout for this week

Last week I asked you about your New Year’s Holidays. Many of you went to a shrine or temple. At a shrine, we can buy good luck charms, get a fortune slip, and pray for something. Personally, I love the atmosphere of shrines during New Year. Even though it's crowded, I always have a great time.

I also asked you about your New Year's resolutions. In North America we often make new New Year's resolutions. We want to change something in your life this year, or improve something. The most popular New Year's resolutions at English Garden were to lose weight and speak English more fluently. I also heard some very interesting resolutions…

1. I want to be able to spread my legs 180 degrees"
2. I want to be more proactive.
3. I want to be able to kick over my head.

Did you notice the phrase "I want to be able to"? This is a very good phrase for —出来るようになりたい.

Key words for this week's lessons

Beginner Class

This year, I want to eat out less.
This year, I want to study more.

This year, I really want to quit smoking.

She's a very organized person.
Her notebook is so organized!

Intermediate Class

be supposed to (but..)

Every year, you're supposed to give back last year's charm to the shrine, but I think that's very fishy.
Making "mochi" on New Year's Day is supposed to bring you good luck.

Some people think good-luck charms are a rip-off, because you pay ¥1500 for a piece of plastic.
¥500 for a hot dog? That's a rip-off!


"This medicine will cure all your headaches"
"Sorry, I'm not convinced"

I think Mr. Takata from Japanet is a very convincing person.

Posted by English Garden at 12:31│Comments(0)