There is, There are...
Hi everyone! How was your weekend?
Can you believe it? I went snorkeling for almost 6 days in a row ( every day except Thursday).
6 days in row! My muscles are aching like crazy.
I went to Cape Maeda three times, Sunabe once, Odo Kaigan once, and Tokashiki Island once.
As you can see, I'm totally addicted to snorkeling.
And my legs are so tanned!
Last week in Intermediate class, we continued to use the handout "I don't want to take any chances".
The word of the week was UNBEARABLE. This is a great word, that means "I can't stand it".
"Today is so hot. It's so unbearable"
"Today's weather is unbearable"
Starting in November, I can't go to Cape Maeda anymore. That will be unbearable.
In Beginner class, we used this handout:
There are
「チュラ海は人たくさんいる」-> Chuarumi is many people.
英語で,「たくさん____いる」って言う時に、THERE AREを使ってください。
There are many people in Churaumi.
There were many people in Churaumi.
There are so many people in Tokyo! 超いっぱいいる
There are many stores in Shintoshin! いっぱいいる
There are quite a few... けっこういる
There are some... 少しいる
There are very few... あまりいない
There aren't many... あまりいない
There are no... 全然いない。
There areはとてもつまらない言葉だけど、必ずうまく使ってね!
Can you believe it? I went snorkeling for almost 6 days in a row ( every day except Thursday).
6 days in row! My muscles are aching like crazy.
I went to Cape Maeda three times, Sunabe once, Odo Kaigan once, and Tokashiki Island once.
As you can see, I'm totally addicted to snorkeling.
And my legs are so tanned!

Last week in Intermediate class, we continued to use the handout "I don't want to take any chances".
The word of the week was UNBEARABLE. This is a great word, that means "I can't stand it".
"Today is so hot. It's so unbearable"
"Today's weather is unbearable"
Starting in November, I can't go to Cape Maeda anymore. That will be unbearable.
In Beginner class, we used this handout:
There are
「チュラ海は人たくさんいる」-> Chuarumi is many people.
英語で,「たくさん____いる」って言う時に、THERE AREを使ってください。
There are many people in Churaumi.
There were many people in Churaumi.
There are so many people in Tokyo! 超いっぱいいる
There are many stores in Shintoshin! いっぱいいる
There are quite a few... けっこういる
There are some... 少しいる
There are very few... あまりいない
There aren't many... あまりいない
There are no... 全然いない。
There areはとてもつまらない言葉だけど、必ずうまく使ってね!

Posted by English Garden at 11:43│Comments(0)