9月 2回目のブログ


Hey Everyone,
(This is a blog for the classes using SBS book 2)

Here is an interesting commercial from when I was young.
The littlest old lady became a big hit, there were many t-shirts, coffee cups, hats, with her famous "catchphrase". People still make reference to the commercial today!

See if you can catch this week`s grammar point!


Posted by English Garden at 17:29│Comments(3)
I checked you tube.
I like that too. They are pretty old ladies!
It's interesting.
Do you have any "old lady" goods?
Posted by ゆかりーな at 2008年09月13日 01:38
I watched youtube.
It was very fun.
I think that Okinawa has people like them.

But, I was not able to confirm grammar point.
Also I was not able to understand "Where's the Beef" enough.
Please give me a hint to be able to understand.

Posted by なお at 2008年09月13日 12:13
Hey Yukari and Nao.

No, I don"t have any of the "old lady" goods, but maybe I had a shirt when I was a kid. :)

For the grammar point, check out page 12 of your SBS book!

Thank you very much for your comments!
Posted by Marshal at 2008年09月14日 16:06