5月 4回目のブログ


***Hey Guys! This week we will try something a bit different with the blogs.....
Read the blog, and pay special attention to the BOLD words and phrases (look them up if you need to, or refer to your textbook).***

Agreeing and Disagreeing
Beginner class SBS Book 2 Page 47

This week the weather has been a little weird, don`t you think? I mean, one day it was cloudy, and the next day it was sunny.
I think most people will agree that sunny weather is better than others kinds of weather, especially cold weather.
Sunny weather is warmer, and much more comfortable.
And further more, sunny weather makes people feel better than other types of weather.

But some people disagree.
They don`t think sunny weather is so great. They prefer milder weather.

How about you?

I don`t remember!!!
Intermediate class SBS Book 4 Page 52-55

Recently, I was talking with a student about last week`s classes.
It seems that student had a little case of Amnesia!
Here was the conversation:

Teacher: Okay, let`s review last week`s vocabulary. How do you say "Prime Minister" in Japanese?
Student: I don`t remember how to say "Prime Minister".
Teacher: Oh, Okay. How about "vote" as in "Who should I vote for" ?
Student: I`ve forgotten what vote means.
Teacher: I see. Well, do what CAN you remember from last week?
Student: I can`t remember ANYTHING from last week!
Teacher: That`s not true! You remembered three phrases from last week. What are they?
Student: I`m not sure what they are!!!

Posted by English Garden at 21:59│Comments(0)