2月 3回目のブログ


"Sleep and Dreams."

This week we went over some new vocabulary to talk about sleeping and dreaming.

Here is some interesting vocabulary:
sleep in 朝寝をする
oversleep 寝過ごす
light sleeper 眠りの浅い人、目ざとい人
deep sleeper ちょっとやそっとでは目を覚まさない人
snore いびき
snooze 居眠り

went over=studied

"Another word for Opposite."

This week learned how to teach the meaning of a word to you partner, when they don't know.
The two sentences we used were:
....is another word for....
....is the opposite of...

For example:
Hazardous is another word for dangerous.
Chilly is the opposite of warm.

Opposite 反意語
Another word for 同意語

Posted by English Garden at 22:00│Comments(0)