


We learned a few patterns this week to talk about our future plans.
One very easy pattern to talk about the future is the following:
Q: What do you want to do (time)?
A: I want to play golf.

Here are some additional patterns which we practiced in class:
Q:What do you want to do this weekend?
A: I feel like watching a movie
Q: I`m in the mood for going to karaoke.

patterns 文型
the following 以下
additional 付加的な、追加の


This week we spent a little time learning how to describe where things are in one`s home, one`s class room, etc.
Here is a summary:
A: Hey Terry, where is the remote control?
B: It`s on the table.

You can also expand this to describe where something is in even greater detail.

A: Where are the chopsticks?
B: They are in the drawer, next to the sink.

summary 要約
remote control リモコン
one`s home/class room 自分の...
chopsticks はし
drawer 引き出し、たんす
sink (Kitchen sink) キッチンシンク、台所の流し

Posted by English Garden at 21:00│Comments(0)