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2008年 最初のブログ(今年もよろしく!)


新年明けまして おめでとうございます!
     皆様にとっても 良い年となりますように!


This week, we spent some time learning how to ask for a favor when visiting someones house.
The important structures we used were:
Can I.....
Can I have....
For example:
I'm thirsty. Can I have something to drink?
There were some new words that appeared in our lessons this week. Here they are if you missed them.
I'm starving.
I'm bored.

{がくしゅう}{じかん}spend time learning ~の学習に時間を費やす
favor お願い
if you missed them 聞き取らなかった
I'm starving おなかペコペコ
I'm bored 飽きた,退屈だなあ,暇だよー

New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year and welcome back!
This week, I asked many of you to tell me if you had made any New Year's Resolutions.
Some of you had and some of you hadn't (like most of us). Of course, many of you said your
New Year's Resolution was to improve your English as much as possible. That's great!
If you haven't already, please let us know your resolution at the next class!

New Year's Resolution 新年の決意
as much as possible できるだけ

Coffee (or Tea?) English

Some of you have been asking me lately how you can improve your English and/or increase your vocabulary.

Well, it's not really that hard, I promise. Try this-Coffee English!

What is Coffee English? It's really just an idea. Take 5 to 10 minutes in the morning when you are drinking your coffee, and review your lessons, handouts, and note cards.

The most important thing you can do to improve your English is review everyday! If you set aside just a little time to review, you will REMEMBER what you have learned, which means your vocabulary and English will increase!

This works at night too, and with Tea!

lately 最近
handouts 授業のプリント
increase 増える

Posted by English Garden at 12:25│Comments(0)