2007年 最後のブログ (今年もありがとう!)
Christmas time!
Well, its Christmas in Okinawa. Did you get what you wanted?
Here is a fact that you may or may not know: In most western countries, Christmas is the time of year that families get together and spend time with each other, have dinner, etc.
The New Year Holiday is usually the time of year for couples to spend time, one-on-one. It's just the opposite of Okinawa, isn't it?
may or may not know 知っているかどうか
get together 集まる
{じかん}spend time 時間を費やす
one-on-one 一緒に
opposite 逆
For the last couple weeks we have been learning some new vocabulary to talk about weather.
Here are some useful words if you missed them.
{らいでん}Thunder 雷電、
Lightning 雷雨
Rainstorm 暴風雨
Fog 霧、靄、濃霧
Which ones do you have in your hometown?
Happy New Years!
I ask a lot of you to tell me what people do in Okinawa during the New Years Holiday. The most common answer I got was:
Most people found it hard to say in English. It's a bit hard to translate, but try this:
"On New Years Day, I got to the temple to pray for my families health and happiness."
- Happy Holidays
from all of us
at English Garden!!!
Well, its Christmas in Okinawa. Did you get what you wanted?
Here is a fact that you may or may not know: In most western countries, Christmas is the time of year that families get together and spend time with each other, have dinner, etc.
The New Year Holiday is usually the time of year for couples to spend time, one-on-one. It's just the opposite of Okinawa, isn't it?
may or may not know 知っているかどうか
get together 集まる
{じかん}spend time 時間を費やす
one-on-one 一緒に
opposite 逆
For the last couple weeks we have been learning some new vocabulary to talk about weather.
Here are some useful words if you missed them.
{らいでん}Thunder 雷電、
Lightning 雷雨
Rainstorm 暴風雨
Fog 霧、靄、濃霧
Which ones do you have in your hometown?
Happy New Years!
I ask a lot of you to tell me what people do in Okinawa during the New Years Holiday. The most common answer I got was:
Most people found it hard to say in English. It's a bit hard to translate, but try this:
"On New Years Day, I got to the temple to pray for my families health and happiness."
- Happy Holidays
from all of us
at English Garden!!!
Posted by English Garden at 16:07│Comments(0)