

Talking about the Future....Faster!

So this week we are talking about future plans (next weekend, next month, next year, etc.). The important structure we have been using is:

Q: What are you going to do next weekend?
A: I am going to play volleyball.

In English however, we often shorten the sentence to say things faster (which is why it is sometimes difficult to catch what English speakers are saying).

For example:

Q: What are you gonna do next weekend?
Or even.....
Q: Whada'ya gonna do next weekend?

Give it a try at the next class!

future 未来
shorten 短くなる
give it a try やってみてください

Back Channel Response??? Ah,I see!

We all know that "あいずち" is a very important part of the Japanese Language. But did you know that it is an important part of English as well? Here are some of the more useful responses:
I see. などほど
Is that right? 本当ですか?
Wow, really? ええ!本当?
You're kidding! うそうでしょう。
Sounds like fun/interesting/difficult.

Be careful of the Denshi Jishoo!

Electronic dictionaries can be really useful if used correctly. However, if used incorrectly, it can produce some strange results.
Here is the secret-use it when you hear a word in English and want to know the Japanese. Don't do the opposite. The reason why? In English we use many different words and phrases depending on the situation, whereas in Japanese you may use only one expression.
For example, look up "頑張る” in your dictionary. You will get many different English expressions. It is difficult to know which is the correct expression for the situation.
So remember, from E->J is O.K., but be careful when going from J->E. When you want to know the English for a Japanese word, I suggest you ask an English speaker!

useful 便利
Don't do the opposite. 逆にしないで下さい
I suggest 私のおすすめは。。。

Posted by English Garden at 17:38│Comments(0)