Don't touch my ひげ!
In English we have many words for facial hair. For example, "Beard", "Mustache", and "Sideburns".
Here is a fun fact. When I first learned Japanese, my teacher taught us a fun way to rememberどいたしまして. She taught it as 私のMustacheに触れないでください!Do you get the joke?
Don't・touch ・my ・mustache!
どい ・たし・ ま・して!
Facial hair 顔ひげ、顔の毛
Mustache 口ひげ
Joke 冗談
There is no Georgia Coffee in Georgia!
Coca-Cola was invented in Georgia, so in my hometown, we almost all drink Coke and Coke products.
When I first came to Japan, I was surprised to see Georgia Coffee in the stores, since I had never seen Georgia Coffee back home. Of course I had to buy a can to see where it was made!
I looked at the back of the can, and read "Made by Coca-Cola Company", and I thought..that makes sense!
invent {はつめい}~を発明する
hometown 故郷
product 商品
that makes sense などほど
"What's up?", "Umm......."
"What's up?" is a pretty hard phrase for many Non-Native English Speakers to use. We actually use it many different ways. However, as a greeting, it's pretty simple.
A: Hi-What's up?
B: Hey-What's up?
That's it really! Try this at the next class!
A: Hi-What's up? How are you?
B: Hey-What's up? I'm fine thank you, and you?
Non-Native English Speaker 英語を母国語としない人
Greeting あいさつ
Don't touch my ひげ!
In English we have many words for facial hair. For example, "Beard", "Mustache", and "Sideburns".
Here is a fun fact. When I first learned Japanese, my teacher taught us a fun way to rememberどいたしまして. She taught it as 私のMustacheに触れないでください!Do you get the joke?
Don't・touch ・my ・mustache!
どい ・たし・ ま・して!
Facial hair 顔ひげ、顔の毛
Mustache 口ひげ
Joke 冗談
There is no Georgia Coffee in Georgia!
Coca-Cola was invented in Georgia, so in my hometown, we almost all drink Coke and Coke products.
When I first came to Japan, I was surprised to see Georgia Coffee in the stores, since I had never seen Georgia Coffee back home. Of course I had to buy a can to see where it was made!
I looked at the back of the can, and read "Made by Coca-Cola Company", and I thought..that makes sense!
invent {はつめい}~を発明する
hometown 故郷
product 商品
that makes sense などほど
"What's up?", "Umm......."
"What's up?" is a pretty hard phrase for many Non-Native English Speakers to use. We actually use it many different ways. However, as a greeting, it's pretty simple.
A: Hi-What's up?
B: Hey-What's up?
That's it really! Try this at the next class!
A: Hi-What's up? How are you?
B: Hey-What's up? I'm fine thank you, and you?
Non-Native English Speaker 英語を母国語としない人
Greeting あいさつ
Posted by English Garden at 21:01│Comments(0)