Hi everyone!
Here are the handouts for last week!
Starter (places) (same as last week!)
Beginner (movies)
Intermediate (traveling)
In Starter class we talked about places again. Please remember when you want to say ある or いる, or 多い we usually use "there is" and "there are"
There is a McDonalds near my house (お家の近くにマックがある)
There are many souvenir stores on Kokusai Street (国際通りにお土産さんが多い)
There aren't so many people in Kochinda (東風平では人があまりいない)
When you want to say 多すぎる, you should use too
There are too many people in Taipei.
There are too many cars in Shintoshin.
Also if someone asks you a Yes or No question, for example "Do you like Urasoe?", you can say
Kind of (まぁね)
Not really (そんなに)
In beginner class we talked about movies. Here are some very useful phrases with movies
1. It's out in theaters - 今映画館でやってる
Have you seen the movie Avatar? It's out in theaters now!
2. It's out on DVD - 今DVDが出てる
Let's rent Avatar from Tsutaya.
I don't think it's out on DVD yet.
3. Who's in the movie? -だれが出演する?
- Do you know the movie "Gladiator?"
- No, I don't. Who's in the movie?
- Russell Crowe and Joaquin Phoenix are in the movie
4. It's not THAT good - そこまでじゃないよ!
- I've watched Sen to Chihiro over 20 times
- 20 times!?! Come on, it's not THAT good!
5. Is there a movie you want to watch? - 見た映画がある?
- Is there a movie you want to watch?
- Not really. How about you?
6. It's really cheesy
- Do you like Ryujin Mabuya?
- No, I don't. I think it's really cheesy
In intermediate class we talked about traveling.
Have you been to any exotic countries? Some people have been to Egypt, Nepal, Peru, Fiji Islands. It was interesting to hear about these countries because most people don't know anything about them!
When we talk about traveling plans, especially if they are close and already decided, we usually use phrases like
I'm leaving for Tokyo this Saturday.
I'm staying at my mother's house.
I'm coming back next week.
The feeling is different from saying "I will go to Tokyo". If you say I'm leaving for Tokyo, I think you already have the plane ticket, you're definitely going, and you can't change your mind anymore.
We also discussed whether traveling is a hassle. Most people said traveling is not such a hassle, but they don't like lining up at the airport or sitting on a crowded plane. A few people were afraid of getting a crappy hotel.
Personally I think traveling is quite a hassle. If I want a feeling of novelty, I usually just go to PC Depot and look at the new computers!