9月 3回目のブログ

English Garden

2008年09月14日 23:31

Georgia Slang!

So, you guys know I love to teach you useless expressions from "down south".
Here are some of the more common expressions/words we use in "Good old Georgia!"
Over yonder (Over there)
Ain`t (Not)
Y`all (You all)
Do what now? (What was that? or I don`t understand)
Say what now? (Same as above or What did you say?)
Y`all come back now, ya hear? (Please come again)
Fixin` to (About to do (something)

It might seem like its not usefull to know, but if you watch any movie that takes place in the southern part of the U.S.A (Forest gump, gone with the wind, slingblade, and the green mile all come to mind), you will hear these words often.