6月 3回目のブログ
Don`t Forget to Review...So That You Won`t Forget!!!
Hey Guys,
Are you enjoying the nice weather we had this week?
It was very...um...蒸し暑い this week, wasn`t it?
Do you remember the English for 蒸し暑い?
If not, then you need to REVIEW!!
As you know, I always talk about the power of review. Just spending 15-30 minutes everyday reviewing your flashcards will have a HUGH effect on your English.
Have a look at this article...
...which is about the FORGETTING CURVE.
( you don`t need to read the article, but at least have a look at the graph).
The graph is basically showing you how much better you can remember something if you review it, versus if you don`t.
So...don`t forget to review!
Tip of the Tongue
Recently, I saw this video about those tricky words that you just can`t seem to remember.
Have a look, and if you find it difficult to understand, let`s talk about it in class.
Oh, and if you don`t know the expression "Tip of the Tongue", ask me!